Teeth Whitening in Montréal, QC

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Would you like to smile when you first meet someone since this is their very first impression of you? There is no longer any reason to feel embarrassed by your smile since many options are now available to whiten and brighten your teeth. Teeth whitening products can brighten teeth that are stained, yellowed, or discoloured from food, red wine, tea, coffee, and natural aging. It is a great option to rejuvenate your smile.

At our office, we offer Philips ZOOM® Whitening for patients looking for a whiter smile. Our patients have had excellent results with this system and are very happy.

ZOOM® Whitening Treatment

This in-office treatment takes approximately 2 hours. ZOOM® Whitening offers a safe and effective way to brighten your teeth. You will leave us with a brighter, whiter smile, up to 8 shades brighter than when you arrived. The best part is that you are completely finished when you leave and can enjoy your new, beautiful smile immediately. We will take a photo of you before and after the procedure to show you the difference in the colour.

All whitening procedures may cause some degree of sensitivity, which is why we always start your whitening with a desensitizing pre-treatment to ensure your comfort. A gentle, hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel is then applied to your teeth. After this step, your teeth will be exposed to a specific high-intensity light.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Benefits

A benefit of this treatment is that it offers greater whitening power and less tooth sensitivity.

Some other benefits of having your teeth whitened in-office include:

  • Professional supervision
  • Faster results
  • Longer-lasting results

What To Expect After Teeth Whitening

When you leave our office, you will have everything you need to do a touch-up whenever you want to refresh your smile.

You will leave our office with custom-made whitening trays that protect your gum tissue, a syringe of whitening gel, a photo of your smile before and after, and written instructions.

We recommend doing your touch-up after seeing your hygienist for your regular teeth cleaning. This will give you the best result possible by eliminating accumulated surface stains.

A common side effect that you may encounter is increased tooth sensitivity to cold. This will only last about 1 to 3 days following the treatment.

Teeth Whitening Before & After

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Whitening before and after

For more examples of what Teeth Whitening can do for you, be sure to visit our photo gallery.

Teeth Whitening For Life

At our office, you can get teeth whitening for life for $775. This includes the in-office teeth whitening procedure, plus the following: Every time you visit your hygienist for your dental examination and teeth cleaning appointment, you will receive one tube of whitening gel. The cost of the whitening gel alone is $60. With all surface stains removed, you can use your whitening gel in your trays to refresh your smile.

Teeth Whitening Results

Teeth whitening procedures are very effective, but they are not permanent. The whitening may fade over time based on your eating and drinking habits. We advise you to avoid food and drink that may stain or darken your teeth, such as red wine, tea, coffee, etc. You can always refresh the whitening treatment by wearing your custom whitening trays and the whitening gel for 2-3 days, depending on your desired result. Each patient reacts differently and may have a different idea of what “white” means to them.

How Does Zoom® In-Office Teeth Whitening Work?

The Zoom Teeth Whitening System has been developed for rapid results. You can lift several shades of discolouration in a single two-hour visit! This is achieved through the use of a precise UV light. After applying the whitening gel, we direct the light source to reach all of your teeth simultaneously. The light causes a reaction in the whitening gel, enabling it to penetrate the enamel better and quickly break up stain-causing particles.

Are There Precautions I Should Take After Zoom® Teeth Whitening?

For a few days after the Zoom procedure, your teeth may be more open to absorbing moisture, making them more susceptible to staining. For two to three days, it may be advantageous to eat foods that are light in color. This is sometimes referred to as a “white diet.” It includes foods like plain yogurt, milk, rice, bread, eggs, chicken, fish, and white beans. Avoid stain-causing foods and beverages such as tea, coffee, red wine, soda, and tomato sauce as much as possible. Also, you can protect your teeth from stains by drinking plenty of water and rinsing your mouth after meals.

How Long Do Teeth Whitening Results Last?

In clinical studies, the Zoom Teeth Whitening System has shown that it can achieve remarkable results in a single session. The new shade can last as long as two years. That said, your results are somewhat up to you. If you smoke or consume beverages that are known to cause tooth discolouration, your radiant smile may fade more quickly. Your daily habits don’t have to prevent you from enjoying long-lasting teeth-whitening results. We would never expect you to go without your morning cup of coffee or tea or to significantly alter your lifestyle habits for the sake of a more beautiful smile. Instead, we encourage you to rinse your mouth with water, swishing the fluid over and through your teeth after eating or drinking anything colored. Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing daily can also help you extend your teeth whitening results.

How Often Can I Get Zoom® Teeth Whitening?

Your teeth will inevitably become dull over time. Because tooth enamel is porous, tiny particles of debris will settle into the outer layer of your teeth. If you notice your smile losing radiance, you can do a touch-up. Dr. Slepchik proudly offers Teeth Whitening for Life to his patients. By participating in this affordable program, you can prolong your initial Zoom treatment results. When you enroll in Teeth Whitening for Life, you receive a tube of professional-grade whitening gel to use at home between your office visits whenever you wish.

Are There Instances In Which Teeth Whitening Doesn’t Work?

Professional teeth whitening is extraordinarily effective at removing built-up stains within the outer layers of enamel. Still, there are instances in which this service is not ideal. The teeth-whitening gel, even when activated by UV light, cannot permeate through calculus, the hardened form of tartar. Before you start teeth whitening, Dr. Slepchik will thoroughly examine and clean to ensure you get the best results. Teeth whitening does not affect restorations like crowns, veneers, and bonding. If you have these restorations, your teeth whitening treatment will be carefully planned around them. Teeth whitening works on external stains. If discoloration exists inside your teeth, veneers may be a better option.

Schedule A Consultation

To learn more about teeth whitening, contact our office today at 514-875-7971or email us at reception@smilesbydrslepchik.com to schedule a consultation with Dr. Slepchik. We are located in Downtown Montreal, next to the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel across from Place Ville Marie. Metro McGill or Metro Bonaventure.

Contact us to learn more about Teeth Whitening in Downtown Montreal

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