How Chewing Gum Is Good for Your Oral Health

When you think about taking good care of your teeth, you probably have a few things that come to mind like brushing your teeth, flossing, and getting regular cleanings in Dr. Lenny Slepchik’s office. However, there are some other things— like chewing sugar-free gum— that can also help to make sure that your teeth stay healthier and that your breath smells a lot better as well. But how exactly can something as simple as chewing gum really help you with your oral health? Let’s take a closer look.

It’s Easy When You’re On-the-Go

The last thing you probably want to do is brush your teeth in public— especially when you’re at work. Rather than whipping out your toothbrush in front of a bunch of strangers while you’re in public, chewing sugar-free gum is a pretty good alternative. Although it can’t replace tooth brushing, it is definitely good for when you aren’t home.

It Can Increase Saliva Production

Your saliva isn’t just there to make your mouth feel less dry; it’s there to help wash away bacteria, plaque, food, and germs. The result? Healthier, cleaner teeth. By chewing sugar-free  gum on a regular basis, you can help to speed up your saliva production which can help fight all of these oral issues.

It Helps with Bad Breath

Having bad breath is the last thing that anybody wants to deal with. Even though brushing and flossing is the number one way for you to fight bad breath, chewing sugar-free gum comes is helpful.

Having a healthy smile, starts with good oral habits at home, but when you’re on the go, it can be harder to brush and floss. To learn more about these and other ways that you can take better care of your teeth, contact us at our downtown Montreal office at 514-875-7971.

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“ I have been a patient of Dr. Slepchik’s dental practice for several years now, and I can’t express how grateful I am to have found such an outstanding dentist. From the moment I walked into the office, I felt welcomed and at ease. The entire team has consistently provided exceptional care, and I couldn’t be happier with my experience.”



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